Water and Atmospheric Resources Monitoring Program - , Illinois State Water Survey

Water and Atmospheric Resources Monitoring Program (WARM)

Weather Soil Groundwater Sediment Streamflow Reservoirs

Illinois Water & Climate Summary

The Illinois Water and Climate Summary (IWCS) is a monthly publication issued by the WARM Program of ISWS on water and atmospheric data collected by several operational data networks during the prior month. The summaries report on current and trending water and weather conditions in Illinois and their impacts on other water resources of the state. Full descriptions of the structure of data collections for each data set are available for weather and climate information, soil moisture information, surface water information, and groundwater information. Additionally, there is information on current long-term regional precipitation networks reported each month, as well as an archive of old summaries.

Below are the Illinois Water and Climate Summary issues in PDF format through May 2021. Click on an issue to download it to your computer.

Beginning in June of 2021, the IWCS has migrated to a digital format. Listings will update below as they're published, with the most recent issue on top.

For past editions, please check the IWCS Archive.

Illinois State Water Survey

2204 Griffith Dr., MC-674
Champaign, IL 61820-7463
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