Illinois Climate Network: Background
The Illinois Climate Network (ICN) monitors weather and soil conditions at 19 stations
across Illinois. In operation since the late 1980s, ICN provides current and long-term data
on numerous parameters including:
- Air temperature,
- Relative humidity,
- Wind speed and direction,
- Solar radiation,
- Precipitation,
- Soil temperature, and
- Soil moisture.
Measurements are taken from every 10 seconds to once an hour and averaged for the hour and day.
Shallow groundwater wells are co-located at the stations. Potential evapotranspiration and dew
point temperatures are calculated. The wide range of parameters measured at each station provides
a more complete understanding of conditions and their effects. ICN data provide valuable information
on extreme and usual weather events, as well as short and long-term trends in climate data, which may
have future direct impacts on other water resources of Illinois.