Illinois Climate Network: Station Metadata:
The Bondville station is located in Champaign County near Bondville on land owned by the University of Illinois Electrical Engineering Experiment Station. The station is 6.9 km (4.3 mi) south of Bondville on County Road 500E with an access road located just north of a lookout tower. The weather tower is located approximately 300 m west and 100 m north of this intersection. Entry to the station is controlled by a locked barrier across the access road. The general terrain surrounding the Bondville weather tower is flat, open farmland. The only obstructions are farmstead buildings, bushes, and scientific equipment. The closest obstruction is a cluster of small deciduous trees and brush 50 to 60 m west-northwest of the tower. The height of the brush and trees is approximately 2 m. The nearest farmstead is 150 m east of the station and includes four buildings ranging from 3 to 5 m in height and deciduous trees that exceed 10 m in height. Additional farmsteads are located 800 m northeast and 1,500 m south-southeast of the station, and two farmsteads are more than 2,000 m west and northwest of the station. In the southwest quadrant is a barn approximately 600 m away, a circle of poles 10 m in height, 750 m to the south-southwest, and raingages less than 2 m tall within 30 m of the station to the west-southwest. A World War II lookout tower approximately 30 m tall is located 325 m southeast of the weather tower. The dimensions of the circle of poles, raingages, and brush are small enough that they do not affect the wind at the tower. The only farmstead that affects the wind flow at this tower is the one east of it.
Latitude: ------- Longitude: ------- Altitude: 213 m
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